Alternative Uses for Brochures for Your Business Other Than Marketing

Brochures have been and remain an integral part of marketing for companies across all industries. These are single foldable sheets used by marketers to highlight various elements of their services and products.

They are perfect canvases for showcasing your images and charts and relaying lengthy information. Brochure printing services for your company, however, meet more than your company’s marketing needs.

There are various ways you can use brochures to meet your company’s objectives and set you ahead of your competitors. Here are some of the creative alternative uses for brochures in your business.

Restaurant Recipes and Menu

Brochures as restaurant menus are often used for takeouts. This is because it is easier to display the many options your restaurant has to offer.

Brochure menus are however not limited to takeouts. You can use the brochures for you dine-in menus as well as offer sneak peek into the recipes for your restaurant. The brochure recipes will offer a keepsake for your clients on the dishes in your restaurant.

While you might worry that they will have no use for your restaurant with a recipe, you can rest assured they will not replicate the taste of your dishes and will hence keep returning for more. The best options for recipes and menus are roll, tri, and bi-fold brochures.


Traditional business invitations usually are squeezed into a single page. In most cases, the information you can include on this page is quite limited.

A brochure invitation is the perfect choice for sufficient space to include as much information as you want and laying out various details perfectly. The brochures can be laid out in bi and tri-folds and come in various sizes.


Maps, after all, are essentially folded brochures. Brochure maps are also the perfect option for travel companies and hotels. They will allow you to showcase different areas of your city and hence offer a keepsake for visitors.

Some companies are going all out in their creativity and designing their brochure maps in different usable items like fans so that they are always within reach.

Presentation Guides

Salesman presenting brochure to clientsCapturing people’s interests during a presentation is not an easy feat. The slides on your projector will only interest them to a certain extent. Books look too formal, and most will not keep flipping the pages.

The best choice in these cases is a brochure presentation guide. This simply lays out your presentation in different folds. The non-formal style of the brochure will allow it to captivate the attention of your audience and make your presentation a success.

When putting together a brochure budget for your company, let your creativity guide your decisions. The brochure options mentioned above are sure to rake in handsome returns and are inexpensive and easy to create.

They are also less likely to be turned into trash since they do not come out as marketing materials. Businesses aiming for profit nowadays cannot afford to focus all their brochure printing efforts on marketing. Set your company apart with these creative options.

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