A lot of people have been working from home these past months. Many have become acquainted with the various video conferencing software out there. It keeps everyone in touch and seeing everyone on-screen preserves that human element when you compare it to communicating through chat or email. At least you get to see your colleagues’ smiling faces, and that should be enough to get you through your day.
Here is a question for you: What outfit did you wear at work today? You do not have to keep any secrets, this is not a 03 phone number that the public can see. If you do not insist on telling, just know that there are others out there who share a funny secret when it comes to how they dress up for their jobs at home.
Deceptive Tops
The great thing about video conferences is you are the boss when it comes to putting yourself in the frame. Sometimes you just need a splash of powder on the face, a quick combing of your hair, and throw on a nice blazer or jacket to cover that old shirt that you have been wearing all day. This simple maneuver will turn you from homely to professional in mere seconds. And that clutter that you have behind you? Turn on your virtual background to make that go away so you can complete your office look on camera.
What Kind of Pants Are Those?
Have you ever seen a mullet haircut? It is done by cropping up the hair clean at the top and the front, and you still have the long, flowing strands at the back. This is a style that is a product of its time, specifically the 1980s. Back then rock stars sported them proudly. These days, people just do not take them seriously anymore. The hairdo is also tagged as being business on the front and party at the back.
In today’s workplace, you can say that many are following the new fashion trend of wearing business at the top, then party at the bottom. There is no denying that you get very comfortable at home. Unless your boss asks for your full body to be in the frame, which would be really weird, just wear your pajamas or sweatpants to your heart’s content as long as you have something on up top that is respectable.
Footwear (or Lack Of)
High heels or leather shoes suffocate the feet so much it’s a wonder how much people put up with it. Now, you don’t need them that much. Since you are at home, you have more comfortable options when it comes to footwear. You can go for a pair of flip-flops, socks, or just go barefoot. Do a quick sweep of your floors if you choose the latter.
It’s going to be business as usual even if many people are at home. You can still look snappy and be comfy with what you wear, as long as the camera does not capture anything inappropriate. As long as you continue to be a productive individual, there should be no worries about your fashion sense at home. Besides, no one will judge you because they are doing the same.